Writings of the Popes

 Pius XII
    On Communism and the Church in China, June 29, 1958
    On Sacred Music, December 25, 1955
    On Proclaiming the Queenship of Mary, October 11, 1954
    On Supranationality of the Church, October 7, 1954
    Concerning the Eucharistic Fast, January 6, 1953
    On Reciting the Rosary, September 15, 1951
    Concerning Some False Opinions, August 12, 1950
    On Combating Atheistic Propaganda, March 12, 1950
    On the Sacred Liturgy, November 20, 1947
    On Ordination and Consecration Rites, November 13, 1947
    On the Mystical Body of Christ, June 29, 1943
    On Hierachry in the United States, November 1, 1939
    On the Unity of Human Society, October 20, 1939

 Pius XI
    On The Rosary, September 29, 1937
    On Atheistic Communism, March 19, 1937
    On the Church and the German Reich, March 14, 1937
    On The Catholic Priesthood, December 20, 1935
    On The Sacred Heart, May 3, 1932
    On Reconstruction of the Social Order, May 15, 1931
    On Christian Marriage, December 31, 1930
    On Christian Education, December 31, 1929
    On Reparation to The Sacred Heart, May 8, 1928
    On The Promotion of True Religious Unity, January 6, 1928
    On the Feast of Christ the King, December 11, 1925

 Benedict XV
    On Saint Dominic, June 29, 1921
    On Dante, April 30, 1921
    On the Third Order of Saint Francis, January 6, 1921
    On the Children of Central Europe, December 1, 1920
    On Saint Ephrem the Syrian, October 5, 1920
    On Saint Jerome, September 15, 1920
    On Peace and Reconciliation, May 23, 1920
    On the Children of Central Europe, November 24, 1919
    On Saint Boniface, May 14, 1919
    On the Future Peace Conference, December 1, 1918
    On Preaching the Word of God, June 15, 1917
    Appealing for Peace, November 1, 1914

 Saint Pius X
    The Oath Against Modernism, September 1, 1910
    Our Apostolic Mandate, August 25, 1910
    On the Bible and Against the Modernists, November 18, 1907
    On the Doctrine of the Modernists, September 8, 1907
    Syllabus Condemning Errors, July 3, 1907
    On the Separation of Church and State, January 6, 1907
    On the French Law of Separation, February 11, 1906
    On Teaching Christian Doctrine, April 15, 1905
    On the Immaculate Conception, February 2, 1904
    On the Restoration of All Things in Christ, October 4, 1903

    On New Opinions, Regarding Americanism, January 22, 1899
    On the Nullity of Anglican Orders, September 18, 1896
    On the Unity of the Church, June 29, 1896
    On the Study of Holy Scripture, November 18, 1893
    On Freemasonry in Italy, December 8, 1892
    On Church & State in France, February 16, 1892
    On the Rosary, September 22, 1891
    On Freemasonry in Italy, October 15, 1890
    On Christians as Citizens, January 10, 1890
    On the Nature of Human Liberty, June 20, 1888
    On the Abolition of Slavery, May 5, 1888
    On Christian States, November 1, 1885
    On the Religious Question in France, February 8, 1884
    On Freemasonry, April 20, 1884
    On the Origin of Civil Power, June 29, 1881
    On Socialism, December 28, 1878
    On the Evils of Society, April 21, 1878

 Pius IX
    On the Afflictions of Church, October 27, 1867
    The Syllabus of Errors, 1864
    On Current Errors, December 8, 1864
    On Promotion of False Doctrines, August 10, 1863
    On the Need for Civil Sovereignty, January 19, 1860
    On Pleading for Public Prayer, April 27, 1859
    On Priests and the Care of Souls, May 3, 1858
    The Immaculate Conception, December 8, 1854
    On Urging Prayers for Peace, August 1, 1854
    On Pleading for Unity of Spirit, March 21, 1853
    On Faith and Religion, November 9, 1846

 Gregory XVI
    On the Propagation of the Faith, September 18, 1840
    Condemning the Slave Trade, December 3, 1839
    On the Errors of Lammenais, June 25, 1834
    On Liberialism and Religious Indifferentism, August 15, 1832

 Pius VIII
    On His Program for the Pontificate, May 24, 1829

 Leo XII
    On Assuming the Pontificate, May 5, 1824

 Pius VII
    On a Return to Gospel Principles, May 15, 1800

 Pius VI
    On the Problems of the Pontificate, December 25, 1775

 Clement XIII
    On Instruction in the Faith, June 14, 1761
    On the Spiritual Advantages of Fasting, December 20, 1759
    On Unity Among Christians, September 13, 1758

 Benedict XIV
    On The Observance of Oriental Rites, July 26, 1755
    On Christians Using Mohammedan Names, August 1, 1754
    On Judaism in Poland, June 14, 1751
    On Usury and Other Dishonest Profit, November 1, 1745

 Clement XII
    On Freemasonry, April 28, 1738

 Innocent XI
    On the Errors of Miguel De Molinos, November 20, 1687

 Saint Pius V
    On the Rite of Mass, July 14, 1570
    De Defectibus

 Paul IV
    On Error in Respect of the Faith, February 15, 1559

 Paul III
    On Indians, May 29, 1537

 Leo X
    Condemning the Errors of Martin Luther, June 15, 1520

 Pius II
    On Appealing to a Future Council, January 16, 1460

 Boniface VIII
    On Papal Primacy, November 18, 1302