The Council of Trent
Twenty Fifth Session, Acclamations
The Cardinal of Lorraine. To the most blessed Pius, Pope, and our lord, pontiff of the holy and universal Church, many years and eternal memory.
Answer of the Fathers. O Lord God, do Thou very long preserve the most holy Father to thy church: for many years.
The Cardinal. To the souls of the most blessed Soveriegn Pontiffs, Paul III., and Julius III., by whose authority this sacred general Council was begun, peace from the Lord, and eternal glory, and happiness in the light of the saints.
Answer. Be their memory in benediction.
The Cardinal. Of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, and of the most serene kings, who have promoted and protected this universal Council, be the memory in benediction.
Answer. Amen, Amen.
The Cardinal. To the most serene Emperor Ferdinand, ever august, orthodox, and pacific, and to all our kings, republics, and princes, many years.
Answer. Preserve, O Lord, the pious and Christian emperor: Oh, Heavenly Emperor, protect earthly kings, the preservers of the right faith.
The Cardinal. To the Legates of the Apostolic Roman See, and presidents of this Synod, many thanks and many years.
Answer. Many thanks: the Lord reward them.
The Cardinal. To the most reverend cardinals, and most illustrious ambassadors.
Answer. Many thanks ; many years.
The Cardinal. To the most holy bishops, life, and a happy return to their own churches.
Answer. To the heralds of truth perpetual memory ; to the orthodox senate many years.
The Cardinal. The sacred and holy oecumenical Synod of Trent : let us confess the faith thereof; let us ever keep the decrees thereof.
Answer. Ever let us confess, ever keep.
The Cardinal. We all thus believe; we all think the very same ; we all, consenting and embracing (them), subscribe. This is the faith of blessed Peter, and of the apostles : this is the faith of the Fathers : This is the faith of the Orthodox.
Answer. Thus we believe ; thus we think ; thus we subscribe.
The Cardinal. To these decrees adhering may we be made worthy of the mercies and grace of the first and great supreme priest, Jesus Christ God ; our inviolate Lady, the holy mother of God, also interceding, and all the saints.
Answer. So be it : so be it. Amen, Amen.
Cardinal. Anathema to all heretics.
Answer Anathema, anathema.
After this, it was enjoined on all the Fathers, by the Legates and presidents, under pain of excommunication, that, before departing from the city of Trent, they should subscribe with their own hand the decrees of the Council, or approve thereof by some public instrument ; all of whom subsequently subscribed, and they were in number CCLV ; to wit, four legates, two cardinals, three patriarchs, twenty-five archbishops, one hundred and sixty-eight bishops, seven abbots, thirty-nine proctors of absent (prelates) with lawful commission, seven generals.
Praise be to God.
It agrees with the original: in faith whereof we have subscribed:
I, Angelus MASSARELLI, bishop of Telesia, secretary of the sacred Council of Trent. I, Marcus Antonius PEREGRINUS, of Como, notary of the said Council. I, Cynthius PAMPHILUS, clerk of the diocese of Camerino, notary of the said Council.